Thursday, April 14, 2011

That thing called:" LIFE"

Sitting in my room
watching the rain,
the thunder and lightening
and the sky cried once again.

The Sun, the rain
the sweat and the pain,
some tears and little smile
and thats all what we gain.

Broken hearts but strong love
behaving as if gone insane,
hoping to be happy forever
still walking on that lonely lane.

Struggling hard to see their smiles
crying all day and gone through strife,
leaving all the happiness of ours
but Thats the Thing is Called '-LIFE'

                                                                                            -:Annice Dominic

A cup of HIS blood.

You might be mystified by the title. But there is no relation of this title with Vampires n all :).
Today I was surfing through the net and abruptly I came across a video or rather I would say the video came across me. It was the trailer of "The Passion Of The Christ".
Though its one of my favorite movie but I watched it only once; I am not able to gather enough courage to watch it again.
I saw Christ, His suffering, what all He did for us. And realized what am I doing for him? Telling lies, fighting, not even able to take His name even once in a day. And I cried, I cried aloud from within. I was feeling guilt in my heart. I was not able to face Him, not even His picture on my front wall.
Why the hell we humans are so pathetic? He was there with us even before we were born, but after watching the movie trailer I realized His love?!
God scarified His ONLY Son just for the sake of our salvation...!!!
This iis the month of Scarifies, prayers, forgiveness; This is the month of CHRIST.
Why its called as GOOD FRIDAY though Jesus died that day??? According to me, Its Good for us, for He was the one to encounter the brutal punishment of the sins that We humans committed.
But whats Good for Him? He died to make us free, but still we are in clutches if sins or rather we are holding the sins within us.
People its time to realize what are we up to? Where are we heading towards? Just by going to Church or giving huge donations we won't be able to repay Him. By giving each and every drop of our blood also we won't be able to reimburse.
God is our Father! He wants all His children in His kingdom! He is still waiting for His lost lambs; He is still waiting for us!
"It is not the healthy who needs doctor, but the sick..."
"I desire mercy, not sacrifies..."
"For I have not come to call the righteous...but sinners..."
I am compelled to pause and think how to make Jesus smile :).
I am obliged to love everyone as Jesus has loved us.
I have made my heart firm to turn away from my sins and see the light.

Everyone one who believes in Him, receives forgiveness of sins through His name.
In His love we have redemption, through His blood
...forgiveness of sins"

If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive our sins and to cleans us from all unrighteousness...

*Christian= Christ + ian
ian means = (I Am Nothing) and this means
Without Christ. I AM NOTHING.

I think now I have justified the title: "A cup of HIS blood"

Amazing love,
How can it be.
That You my King,
Would die for ME.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Hello there reading this. I am Annice Dominic. My friend just suggested me to write blog so here I am. I use to read blogs of other people but now finally created an account here to split whats all running in my mind.. (Actually I have little space in my head to keep all the strange thoughts and feelings. They all are suffocating there. lol!).
In a nutshell, the purpose I came here is to share what I feel and anyhow reassign my views to the readers.
Basically I am Straightforward but not to the point of being blunt. I am broad-minded so like expressing my views distinctly.
But my main concentration of the discussions are usually Women, Girl Child, Life n stuffs like that. I do like debating on corruption, though I  am LEAST interested in politics.
So..thats it..
Soon I'll be posting few of my poems here and my views.

Nice being a part of this Blog-World :)